British & Commonwealth Singles

423 items found
WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte John Davidson, 16th Battalion Royal Scots

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte John Davidson, 16th Battalion Royal Scots

Victory Medal 1914-1919
46330 Pte J Davidson,. R Scots
Together with copy of medal index card details To
Pte John Davidson, 16th Battalion Royal Scots
Wounded Entitled to wear a "Wound Stripe"
Next Of Kin Address Kirkcaldy  read more

Code: 56259

25.00 GBP

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte John Beedie, 1st Bn., Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte John Beedie, 1st Bn., Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19
1867 Pte J Beedie, R. Highrs
Pte John Beedie, 1st Bn., Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) was Killed in Action on the 20th of September 1916
Born in Montrose Forfarshire
Remembered with Honour Thiepval Memorial
Together with copy of Memorial scroll and commonwealth war graves Details and Medal Index Card  read more

Code: 56250

45.00 GBP

WW1 1914 Casualty 1914 Mons Star To Pte George Hollis, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

WW1 1914 Casualty 1914 Mons Star To Pte George Hollis, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

1914 Star
9687 Pte G Hollis, 2/ Sco Rif
Pte George Hollis, 2nd Bn., Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Died of Wounds on 20 December 1914
Born in Shoreditch, Middlesex, Address on medal index card given as 17 North East Road, Sholing, Southampton
Remembered with Honour Merville Communal Cemetery
Together with copy of Memorial scroll and commonwealth war graves De...  read more

Code: 56241

125.00 GBP

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte Thomas Keenan, 2nd Bn., King's Own Scottish Borderers

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte Thomas Keenan, 2nd Bn., King's Own Scottish Borderers

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19
7697 Pte T Keenan, K. O. Sco. Bord
Pte Thomas Keenan, 2nd Bn., King's Own Scottish Borderers was Killed in Action on the 18th of April 1915 Age 40,
Born Taregles Dumfries, Residence Cumnock
Husband of Elizabeth Kennan, of 19, Wallace St., Dumfries. Served on the North-West Frontier of India, 1895-1897.
Remembered with Honour Ypres (...  read more

Code: 56246

45.00 GBP

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte Frank Stanley Hawkins,

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19 To Pte Frank Stanley Hawkins,

WW1 Victory Medal 1914-19
17248 Pte F.S. Hawkins, Sco Rif
Pte Frank Stanley Hawkins, 2nd Bn., Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Died of Wounds on the 19th May 1915 Age 32
Son of Harry and Helena Hawkins, of 105, Edward St.,New Goss, London.
Remembered with Honour Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
Together with copy of Memorial scroll and commonwealth war graves Details a...  read more

Code: 56242

45.00 GBP

British War Medal 1914-18 To Pte Robert Burrell Neillings 2nd Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles),

British War Medal 1914-18 To Pte Robert Burrell Neillings 2nd Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles),

British War Medal 1914-18
32975 Pte R.B. Neilings, Sco Rif
Together with copy of medal index card details To
Pte Robert Burrell Neillings
2nd Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles),  read more

Code: 56255

29.00 GBP

1914-15 Star To Pte Joseph Stubbs. Rifle Brigade

1914-15 Star To Pte Joseph Stubbs. Rifle Brigade

1914-15 Star
B/3344 Pte J Stubbs Rif Brig
Together with medal index card to Pte Joseph Stubbs. Rifle Brigade  read more

Code: 51465

35.00 GBP

WW1 Memorial Plaque Alfred Williams

WW1 Memorial Plaque Alfred Williams

WW1 Memorial Plaque
Alfred Williams
28 Men with this name listed on the Commonwealth War Graves  read more

Code: 55720

75.00 GBP

World War One Memorial Plaque to  Alexander Leslie

World War One Memorial Plaque to Alexander Leslie

World War One Memorial Plaque
Alexander Leslie
8 Men Listed on the Commonwealth War Graves
7 Army and One Mercantile Marine
1 2160 Pte Wiltshire Regt Died In India 1915
2 2361 CSM Gordons KIA Western Front
3 S/5703 Pte Seaforths D.O.W. Western Front
4 S/8004 Pte Black watch KIA Western Front
5 21280 Pte H.L.I. KIA Western Front
6 3...  read more

Code: 54377

95.00 GBP

WW1 Glasgow Special Constable Tribute Medal 1914-19 To Inspector John Wright

WW1 Glasgow Special Constable Tribute Medal 1914-19 To Inspector John Wright

WW1 Glasgow Special Constable
Hallmarked Silver Tribute Medal 1914-19
To Inspector John Wright
Obverse Glasgow Coat of Arms with date 1914-1919
Top Bar 4 Years
Reverse Presented by the corporation of Glasgow To Inspr John Wright Special Constable in Acknowledgement of services rendered  read more

Code: 55190

75.00 GBP