WW1 British War & Victory Medals Pair to Able Seaman David Spencer, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve WW1 British War & Victory Medals Pair to Able Seaman David Spencer, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve WW1 British War & Victory Medals Pair to Able Seaman David Spencer, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve WW1 British War & Victory Medals Pair to Able Seaman David Spencer, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

WW1 British War & Victory Medals Pair to Able Seaman David Spencer, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

British War Medal 1914-18 and Victory Medals
KW/218 D Spencer, A.B. R.N.V.R.
Able Seaman David Spencer,
Nelson Bn. R.N. Div., Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve died on 06 June 1915 Age Just 16
Son of John and Mary Ann Spencer, of Stubbs Walden, Doncaster.
David Arthur Spencer, age 16 ; Born Walden Stubbs 20/1/1895 ; A Farmer ; Son of John and Mary Ann Spencer, of Walden Stubbs, near Doncaster,
Remembered with Honour
East Murdos Military Cemetery
Died of wounds aboard SS "Southland" & taken ashore to Lemnos.
Enlisted 30/8/14 as Private No.15414 King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry & transferred to RNVR 7/9/14 ; Nelson Battalion K/1187 17/11/14-6/6/1
Also entitled to the 1914-15 Star
With copy of Commonwealth War Graves Details

Code: 56323
